Our group, named Humanitas, is a non-profit organization. The purpose of Humanitas is focused on a number of projects: the preservation and the dissemination of Latin as a language of communication; the study and appreciation of Latin literature, not only of antiquity, but also of more recent periods; the teaching and mastery of ancient Greek. The name of our society has arisen from the words of Cicero, who, in his speech Pro Archia poeta, as well as in other works, clearly sets forth the nature of the studia humanitatis and their value.
Condita est haec nostra societas, quae Humanitas appellatur, nullius quaestus causa, sed ad aliquot incepta peragenda, quae ad linguae Latinae usum conservandum ac propagandum, ad litterarum Latinarum monumenta, quae reliquerunt scriptores et veteres et recentiores, cognoscenda, ad linguam Graecam docendam et excolendam spectant. Societas nostra nomen e Ciceronis verbis accepit, qui non solum in oratione Pro Archia poeta habita, sed etiam in aliis operibus, qualia et quanti momenti sint studia humanitatis luculenter explicat.